Make the PERM Process a Breeze with Park Advertising

Obtaining PERM labor certification from the Department of Labor can be a stressful process. The prevailing wage determination can take months, and even a small typo in your 9089 can result in a time-sucking audit or outright denial.
Among the process’ nuances, perhaps the most aggravating element of PERM is the advertising. Your client intends to hire a specific foreign national, yet you have to jump through hoops to ensure they’re not depriving US workers of potential jobs. In addition to placing a job order with the right State Workforce Agency (SWA), you’re required to place an ad in two Sunday editions of a high-circulation local newspaper, post an internal ad on the company’s premises, and utilize three additional recruitment methods to meet the necessary PERM requirements.
You also have to be punctilious with your ad copy, avoiding the omission of any crucial details (business name, wages, job description) that will sink your application.
On top of all that, you need to coordinate with the SWA, employer, and media sources to compile sufficient evidence that you advertised the right information in the right location for the right amount of time. It’s a high-stakes logistical hurdle that can swallow your time and energy, especially if you’re an immigration attorney with a diverse portfolio of clients.
Enter Park Advertising.
Park Advertising specializes in strategically placing PERM advertisements guaranteed to meet DOL approval. With over 10 years of experience, our team has helped thousands of clients successfully obtain their green cards. We complete/put in the time-consuming, detail-oriented legwork so you don’t have to think about it.
More importantly, we do it quickly and accurately. Recently, an attorney came to Park with a PERM case in small-town Springfield, MO. She had never placed an ad in this region, and didn’t understand the media landscape. Within six hours, Park identified a high-circulation local newspaper, as well as a local radio program, and sent the attorney a full ad quote for:
1. Two Sundays in the local paper
2. 30 days online
3. 30 days on the Missouri SWA website
4. Two radio spots
Park even caught a crucial typo. The ads listed “Springfield, MA” as the job location instead of “Springfield, MO”, which the Park team immediately corrected.
And when it comes to billing, we’ve even been known to act as the middleman between your client and the media sources, taking care of the paperwork and saving you, the attorney, the additional hassle.
The PERM process is long and complex. Sometimes it feels like a high wire act, where one misstep can cost you months of delays and thousands of dollars. Every word requires careful crafting and documenting in order to comply with DOL and USCIS standards. With Park Advertising, you can be sure that your ads will be accurate, delivered on time, and 9089-ready.
H-1B season is on the horizon, and the applications are piling up. Save yourself some time, energy, and stress, and contact Park Advertising today to discuss your next PERM advertising case.